Oğuz Yenen Atölyesi’nde katılımcılar proje fikir oluşumundan projelerin son çıktılarına kadar verilen tüm kararlarda kendi sorumlulukları altındadır. Katılımcılar projelerinde istenilen herhangi bir konuyu irdeleyebilmekle beraber, vidyo gibi dijital veya kitap gibi basım mecraları kullanmakta da özgürdürler. Oğuz Yenen Atölyesi katılımcıların projelerinde fikir aşamasından başlayarak, bütün yapım aşamalarını gerçekleştirdiği bir çalışmadır.

In Oguz Yenen Workshop, the participants are free, under their own responsibility, to make all the decisions starting from their construction of project idea until the final project outcome. As participants are free to scrutinize any subject in their projects, they are also free to use digital or print media (video or book) for the outcome of their projects. Oguz Yenen Workshop is where participants are expected to overcome all the production stages of a project, starting from the stage of idea creation.

Cut of None

Cut of None, which is a highly stereotyped story line, is an attempt to create a subject that is frequently consumed in television and cinema by using amateur animation techniques.

The subject of the project is a series of corruption and unethical movements during the X Earthquake. The fact that the media can be a silenced or intimidating area can also be included in the context of the fictional story. The scope of the project includes media sector, media ownership relations, corruption profiles of institutions, and journalism.


  • Anıl Bartu Esen

The Pilot

Draft Work